Release Notes of Layer2 Cloud Connector

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can be used to connect and sync various enterprise data sources codeless, on-premises and in the cloud, especially with Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, Exchange and Dynamics CRM/ERP. Please find the release notes and version history for the Layer2 Cloud Connector here. You can subscribe to the RSS feed (works best with Firefox) to stay up-to-date in Firefox or NewsFlow. If you have questions or issues, please join the Layer2 Cloud Connector Community at LinkedIn or contact directly.

Release Notes - Layer2 Cloud Connector
V7.7.1 (03/2017)



  • When synchronizing SharePoint lookup columns, it is now possible to synchronize the full (raw) lookup value (id;#value), or just the id or the value. Two additional fields are provided per lookup column: <columnName>_idOnly and <columnName>_valueOnly.





  • When writing numbers to SharePoint lookup columns, the provider considers the numbers to represent list item id´s. If the lookup value is also numeric this might not be intended. To write numeric values, the new column <columnName>_valueOnly can now be used.
  • When using dynamic columns, the trace log was cluttered with messages "Invoking compiled expression ..." and "Compiled Expression '...' returned with". These messages have been removed.
  • Better error message for cases in which the "Ignore changes within target"-option is active and a delete/change conflict occurs.


Hotfix 2017/4/11


  • After changes in SharePoint Online, synchronizations with Calendars failed with an error "Column named 'ContentTypeId' already belongs to this DataTable" or "A column named 'ID' already belongs to this DataTable". The Cloud Connector will now explicitly exclude the field Geolocation, which caused this issue.

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